Free RSS Widget : To display posts from other blogs or pages or sites on your blog , you can use Free RSS Widget by Its easy to build a widget as per your requirements.
SMS Gupshup Widget: If you use services of for group messages, you can add an SMS Gupshup Widget on your blog or site which will facilitate new members to join your sms group by adding just their mobile number and confirming the verification code. Its a good widget as you dont have to bother to add new members to your group, members can add themselves.
Facebook Like Widget
Everyone use Facebook and other social networks to get his/her blog or site popular. You can add a facebook like widget to your blog. Its being offered by Facebook itself, just add the HTML/Jave script code given by facebook to your blog.
Facebook Like Widget
Everyone use Facebook and other social networks to get his/her blog or site popular. You can add a facebook like widget to your blog. Its being offered by Facebook itself, just add the HTML/Jave script code given by facebook to your blog.
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